Classic Rock Trivia

Why was Paul barefooted?
My friends used to call me “The Storehouse of Useless Knowledge” because I’d remember all kinds of trivial information about things that nobody really cared about. But when it came to trivia about the music we grew up with – Classic Rock and Roll – it was different. Everyone always loved trying to remember little known facts and details about the artists and the music. And to this day, when we get together, we have a blast testing our memory with trivia questions. So I added this page just for fun.
Are you Feelin’ Groovy? Have fun and challenge yourself to see how many of these you can answer without Google. Right On !
My first question is about the now former owner of Caribou Ranch:
In the 60’s Jimmy Guercio was the bassist and road manager for an English singing folk rock duo. Who were they?
When I taught Recording to high school students, I always hit them with this one:
1.) Who sang “96 Tears“?
I once won a T-Shirt for answering this one:
2.) The group called Them had a hit with “G-l-o-r-i-a“. Who was the lead singer?
I just saw a TV commercial that reminded me of this question.
3.) “In A Gadda Da Vida” was a misunderstanding of what title?
4.) Dion had a big hit with “Abraham, Martin, and John“. His first hits were with what group

5.) Who are the 3 guys in the picture above (their real names)?
6.) What song inspired the term “Heavy Metal“?
7.) Who’s voice can be heard as a background vocal in Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain“?
8.) Many of you know Elton John’s real name. But who did he get Elton and John from?
9.) Who was the Walrus?
10.) The song “Black Magic Woman” became most famous for Santana’s version. But what super group did the song first, having been written by one of it’s founding members, Peter Green?
11.) Before Neal Schon became a founding member of Journey, what group did he tour with at the age of 15?
12.) Who is the female artist with the most No.1 hits?
13.) What is a Buffalo Springfield?
14.) On the carry-out groove on one side of Joe Walsh album: The Smoker You Drink the Player You Get, there is a written message that reads

15.) Just heard this on the radio. Who sang it? “Dead Skunk” (“In the middle of the road”)
16.) Remember the song, “White Bird“? What was the name of the group who sang it?
17.) What was The Beatles song released from Magical Mystery Tour that did not reach No. 1?

18.) On March 13, 1964, The Beatles had 4 songs that occupied the first four spots in the Top 10. (An accomplishment never before achieved or repeated since, and most likely never will be.) What were they and in what order?
19.) A & M Records was named from the surnames of its two founders. What was the name of the founder whose surname started with A?
20.) Who sang the theme song for the late night TV show “The Midnight Special” in the 70’s and early 80’s?
21.) In the early 60’s Joey Dee and The Starliters made The Twist and The Peppermint Lounge famous. When they toured in 1965, the guitar player was Jimmy James. He went on to become one of the most famous guitar players of all time, but changed his name. Who was he?
22.) John Lennon commented that this song was in essence a sugar-coated rendition of the Communist Manifesto. What is the song he’s referring to?
23.) Who is the only artist to ever sell-out 4 nights in a row at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado?

24.) An original member of The Byrds changed his name to Roger while he was in the group. What was his first name before he became Roger?
25.) Although Jimi made “Hey Joe” famous, what was the name of the “One Hit Wonder” group who first had a hit with “Hey Joe”?
26.) The phrase “Mr Mojo Risin’ “ is an anagram for the singer’s real name, and he sang the phrase over and over in one of the group’s hit songs. Who is the singer, and what’s the name of the song?
27.) In 1987 the first woman was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Who was it?
28.) Who’s feet are hanging out of the car on this album cover?

I’ll add more questions periodically, but you must keep cruising back here to test your knowledge.
Let’s not be L-Seven!